Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Recall Rules!

1.    Never, and I mean, NEVER call your dog for anything unpleasant​.​ Such as nail clipping, bathing, or having his leash clipped on to go home from the dog park.  Do not call him for  anything that might give him pause the next time you call him.

2.    Never call your dog if you are not 100 percent convinced he will come to you​.​ All recalls must be successful recalls. Work at your dog’s skill level: If he has a pre-school-level recall, don’t give him a college graduate assignment like being called away from something he is distracted by.

3.    If you call your dog and he doesn’t come to you, you must make it happen!.​ Run over to him and put a treat in front of his nose, back up as you get his attention so he follows you.  Do it a few times in a row, but never let your dog get away with not coming.

4.    Never repeat the cue.​  Never repeat the cue.  Did I just repeat myself? LOL Resist the urge to call your dog over and over and over. It teaches your dog to tune you out. Call once and, if necessary, use rule #3.

5.    Coming when called = a reward EVERY SINGLE TIME. ​If you want your dog to stop whatever interesting  thing he is doing and come running to you, make it worth his while! Use extra yummy treats—no dry boring dog kibble!—The rewards can vary from a tasty treat, a toy, a game of tug, or anything your dog finds rewarding, but it HAS to be something the dog enjoys, and EVERY time. Reward as soon as your dog gets to you with great enthusiasm, there is no training cue as important, make sure you make it the most rewarding behavior your dog knows!


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