Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Polyethylene Glycol also Known as PEG - and your pet

Recently, I was working with a dog who was suffering from severe itching and hair loss. After we went through the usual dietary factors, we started to go over her environment and eventually her grooming products. Her diet was perfect, her home environment was as non-toxic as you can get. Then, I came across a new wellness product she had been using that contained polyethylene glycol. This product touted that it quickly healed wounds and could be used as a post-surgical application to speed the healing of incisions. The product was also being sold as an “all natural” solution for wound care. Finding out that manufacturers are using polyethylene glycol in wound care and other “natural” products sparked my interest in just how many of these products were on the market. After some research, I realized there are a large number of products containing polyethylene glycol being marketed to pets and those numbers are growing. Scary. Here is the rub: Polyethylene glycol should not be in anything that you feed your dog or put on their skin, especially damaged skin.

What is Polyethylene Glycol?

Polyethylene glycol, otherwise known as PEG, is a mixture of bonded polymer plastic compounds that are combined with glycol to make a thick sticky liquid. PEG is manufactured for use in paints, wood treatments, detergents, cleaners and coatings. Somehow, the chemical has worked its way into cosmetics, canine wellness products and medicine. Sounds healthy, right? Read the entire article

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