Thursday, February 6, 2014

Xylitol Dangers

Surprise! Xylitol appears in products you'd never suspect. At Pet Poison Helpline (PPH), we've discovered that xylitol, a sweetener that causes hypoglycemia and hepatic necrosis in dogs, is showing up in some very unexpected places.

New products on the market such as nasal sprays, OTC sleep aids, multi­vitamins, prescription sedatives, antacids, stool softeners, smoking-cessation gums and other products may contain unexpectedly large amounts of xylitol. Dogs that ingest these products face a double risk—not only may poisoning result from the active ingredient but also from the xylitol. This can result in a variety of serious and unanticipated clinical signs that complicate treatment and prognosis. Read the entire article

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